May 31, 2008

Tomorrow Is Another Day

And so we come to the end of my pledge to post every day in the month of May......please, please contain your cheers. It has been an interesting time of bonding for me and my blog. I have officially posted more this month than I did in all of 2006!! (No cracks about quantity vs quality, please). I have to say it was kind of freeing being obligated to post SOMETHING every day because it gave me an excuse to post just about any little thing that flitted through my head. Before, when I just posted sporadically-- it kind of weirdly gave it this if I was only going to post once a month, then I should at least make it worth it. (Of course, that can all go off into a tangent addressing the fact that keeping a blog in general is not exactly rocket science.....or as we like to say at work "We're not exactly saving lives here!" Sadly, that is not a claim that my dad, or brother, or Erin can make!)

Anyway--this post isn't really funny or profound-- but more of a thanks for you guys bothering to check in with me on most days and taking the time to comment. It is nice to know people are out there, you know? And in a weird way, it is like talking to my friends, family, and a few complete strangers on a daily basis!

I guess I'll just end it by saying this little exercise has definitely converted me into the post more than a couple of times a month camp. I probably won't make it every day in June (if for no other reason-- it doesn't rhyme!)-- but I have decided my general rule of thumb is going to be at least 4 posts a week from now on.

So the randomness and stupidity isn't going anywhere. Aren't you happy?


Anonymous said...

You, my dear, have a way with words! XXOOO KJT

TheFamDoc24 said...

Hey, sorry I've been absent from your blog lately. I went back and read most of the May posts. I'm proud of you. Good stuff. You kept it interesting, and didn't ramble. I should be back to being a regular now. Love ya!

Sarah said...

Yay! Bobby's back.
As my lone male reader+commenter (apart from when my brother decides to pipe up)-- you have a responsibility to not disappear. You think getting moving and starting grad school and looking for work is any excuse? I think not!

Anonymous said...

Yay Sarah! Keep them coming! Even if it's not daily, if we can still get a lot of Sarah posts, that's great!
And, I completely agree with what your mom said. :)

Anonymous said...

I loved reading your daily posts. Three cheers for meeting your goal to post every day. You even picked a long month to do it in! I love reading your thoughts and stories. You crack me up!
