December 19, 2011

Going on 17

For some reason I've been thinking a lot lately about what I would do if I could go back in time and talk to myself at 17. I don't know if it is because I'm just about double that age now (!!) or what...but I've been having these strange mental arguments with myself about what I would say. Almost none of it has anything to do with specific things I'd do differently-- so it isn't as if I'm thinking of trying to rearrange any major life happenings. Mostly it seems to involve relational things. Who to trust-- who to not trust. Who to listen to-- who to disregard.... that kind of thing. The funny thing is that I don't think that 17 year old me would BELIEVE 34 year old me about most of it anyway.


December 15, 2011

I had the perfect idea for a blog post last night but now I can't remember what it was. I blame the Chesapeake lights. I had a perfectly good thought pattern going while driving down Western and then their Vegas-light-like brightness hit my corneas and whatever thought was in my head didn't stand a chance.

December 13, 2011

Obsessions Pt 1

Throughout my life I have been somewhat prone to getting obsessed with things. I can't pretend to remember the first thing I was ever obsessed with, though I suppose you could argue that my red checkered blankie (that is currently about 10 feet away from where I'm sitting) was a good start.

For some reason, lately I've been thinking about two TV shows I fell in love with when I was 11 or 12-- Tour of Duty was a somewhat (in my memory anyway) gritty show about the Vietnam War. The Young Riders was a somewhat ridiculous show about the Pony Express. They couldn't have been more different, but oh how I adored them both. My week just absolutely hinged on going to my grandparent's house on Thursday nights so I could look at their TV Guide magazine and read the upcoming descriptions of what was going to happen next on those shows. What was so riveting to my pre-teen brain? I'll give you one big hint:

Oh, LT-- how I loved you so. I still can't believe they blew you up...


December 12, 2011

Just So There Was SOMETHING posted in 2011

Posting this is probably a bad idea. My blog has been in hibernation for so long that people have finally quit asking me when I am going to update it. When they do mention it, they say things like "Well, Sarah used to have a blog...." and then I feel that little twinge of guilt like I abandoned a puppy sitting by the side of the road.

Not that my blog is a puppy, but you see what I'm saying.

It's just that I haven't had much to say in awhile. 2011 was a really weird year for a lot of reasons. I can't pretend I'm not enormously glad to see it go... but it seems a shame to not have ANY posts to mark the year. (Plus my last post is me basically unintentionally lying to my grandmother, and who wants to end on THAT kind of note?)

And so I bring you the Things I Learned and/or was Reminded of in 2011:

1. People are ALWAYS capable of surprising me. Doesn't matter how long I've known them. Doesn't matter how much time I've spent with them. There is always some buried nook inside them that you never had any idea was there...

2. Soy Yogurt is not something you can force yourself to like. If you try, it might lead to you gagging into your own kitchen sink after a few bites. Hypothetically.

3. I am rather bad at punctuation which is awkward since people seem to expect me to be the grammar police (not sure why since I'm 99% sure I've never corrected anyone's dad does it enough for the both of us).

4. On the same subject, I'm a bit too fond of parenthesis.

5. Kashi products are best eaten in small doses.

6. The people who have known you the longest are not always the people who know you best.

7. Trying to eat with chopsticks is still one of the most frustrating endeavors EVER

8. Fur is creepy.