May 14, 2008

A Picture I've Been Looking For

One of the top 10 cool experiences of my life so far was hiking through the rain forest last January in Belize and then floating down the a river through a series of completely dark caves. (And yes, I DID wear a lantern on my forehead). Anyway-- we didn't take cameras on any part of the hike or the float down the river since we got so soaking wet....and I've been SO completely sad about it ever since. The views were unbelievable and impossible to describe.

Well, today I was reading an article about Eco Tourism in Belize and stumbled onto a photo of one of the cave entrances that we floated through. It doesn't really capture the experience and the photo is tiny-- but today I'm sharing with you a teeny tiny snapshot of one of the coolest days of my life:


Anonymous said...

Wow! It is sort of like I was picturing it. What an adventure! XOO KJT

Laurie said...

Very cool!

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who didn't know you went to Belize? Or did I just forget? Cool pic.