May 5, 2008

Cinco De Mayo (and thoughts that have nothing to do with that)

Today we are taking a break from our regular scheduled random thought messages to share with you all a shameless plug:

My cousin Emily has started a really fun online boutique called The Refined Cubbyhole that I've been meaning to post about for awhile now. Now I have extra motivation because..... (drumroll please....) you can find super duper mysterious jewelry made by ME there!

(Ok, the jewelry itself is really not that mysterious-- and calling it super duper makes it sounds pretty how about I stop trying to describe it and you just go look at it!)


Mom of 4 Maniacs said...

I love the site. I love your jewelry too! I'm a sucker for baby shoes, since having Lily too. I'll add the link to my blog.

Sarah said...

That's awesome! I know Emily will appreciate the word of mouth. There really is a lot of super cute stuff on there (and no, I'm not actually referring to the stuff I made)

Erin said...

Way to go Sarah! So cute! I hope you are making a little profit :)

Emily said...

Thanks so much for the plug! Every little bit helps!

Laurie said...

I saw your jewelry... Love it! Want some!

Sara said...

Awesome Sarah! Just now reading this... That is a lot of designing. Very cute and inspiring!