January 28, 2006

Griffin Reid Thomas: My New Favorite Baby

As of one hour ago, I have a new nephew.

I'm laying here in bed listening to the rain and thunder, and I can't go back to sleep because there's a new little person in the world that I love.

You have joined a crazy, wonderful family little guy, and I think I can safely promise that you will always have way more love than you know what to do with.

Griffin, I want to hold you rather badly-- but as your are way too far away for that, I will simply be content with thanking God that you are here.

January 28 just became an amazing day.

January 26, 2006

Glamour Girl Morning

So today I decided to bless you all with, uhm.....not my every thought. But I did bring my lovely camera (thanks mom! thanks dad!) along with me today to document the glamerous life a career gal.

Step one: Get up before the sun decides to

Step two: Convince myself that I am wide awake and ready to face the day by abusing the flash function on my camera

Step three: Admire the pretty sunrise and try to ignore the sight/aroma of the fabulous Purina factory

Step four: Do not yell at the struggle of a driver who does not realize he should make his truck go higher than 50 on the TURNPIKE so that your 30 minute drive to work doesn't become your 50 minute drive to work!

Step five: Remember that the entire state is one giant fire hazard and not be alarmed by the CAUTION signs that are flashing over every interstate.

Step six: Enjoy the all imporant caffeine fix that Sonic kindly provides

There now..... wasn't that interesting? Aren't you glad you spent the morning with me? Just wait for the day Susan and I document our lunch hour! That will leave you breathless.

January 22, 2006

A Little of Nothing

I've been terrible about updating lately. Even my last post was more about me finally figuring out how to post a picture than anything else, really. But every time I think about posting something, I start the same interior dialogue I have before writing anything that will be semi public-- and that's how is this going to be interpreted? That constant, nagging thought is one of the hazards of actually sharing something like this with friends/family.

It's weird to write something that you know your parents will be overanalyzing (I had to inherit the gift from somewhere!) at the same time your friends are trying decide if you are talking about them or not. I have a hard time shutting that inner voice off. A close friend (who shall remain nameless but is no doubt smirking) once told me to quit analyzing everything so much. My only response was "Uhm, yeah-- do you know me at all? Of course he did, and that's why he was saying that in the first place.

Turning your brain off and just going with the flow can be a strange problem to have. I don't have that problem in all areas....but in writing it definately poses its hazards. A good writing teacher would probably just tell me, well, actually--- I don't know what a good writing teacher would tell me. In 6 years of studying literature, I never took a writing class. Never even thought about it, actually. But that's something to analyze another day.

Maybe I missed my calling as a therapist.

January 12, 2006

So when I was driving home for Christmas I got so distracted by the horizon that I literally had to pull my car over. On one side was one of the coolest sunsets I've ever seen. On the other side was a complete rainbow (though I have no evidence of that, so you'll just have to take my word for it).