May 15, 2008

Dueling Lists

Things I Don't Like

1. The taste of coffee (self explanatory)

2. Oprah (I haven't liked Oprah's shows for a few years now--- she has a serious case of believing her own press and it is annoying to watch. She pronounces "the truth" about everything as if she is Moses on the mountain top)

3. Coconut (it is hard to say which is worse: the taste or the texture)

4. Watching television with large groups of people

5. Being watched

6. The smell of coffee (this seems to be the one that shocks people-- I don't know why)

7. Martha Stewart (This is long standing. The first time I ever watched her on anything-- I told my friend she had "crazy eyes". I stand by that assessment)

8. Baseball (Boooorrrriiinnnggg)

9. Trying to explain to people that YES I was an English major but NO I can't spell very well.

10. The Last of the Mohicans (the book-- not the movie)

Things I Enjoy Probably a Bit Too Much

1. Swiss Miss Sugar Free Chocolate Pudding (they put Jello's sugar free pudding to shame-- trust me)

2. Wentworth Miller (He's so pretty)

3. Battlestar Galactica (yes, the remake-- and if you're tempted to laugh at me about this then that just means you haven't watched it for yourself)

4. Sonic Happy Hour (I'll never forget the day my sister called me at work to tell me she was in the Sonic drive-thru and they now had Diet Dr Pepper available)

5. Dying my hair (my mother hates this-- but she should be appeased because I haven't gone completely black since the "incident" in 1997)

6. My DVR (live TV? What's that?)

7. Young Adult Fiction (it doesn't seem fair-- they have much more interesting stuff these days than when I was an actual Young Adult)

8. My old-school iPod Mini (she's awesome and pink and impossible to buy accessories for)

9. New makeup

10. Analyzing People


Mom of 4 Maniacs said...

I hate the smell of coffee too!!!

I need to read that book. I bet I'd really like it too.

Anonymous said...

#4 on the first list amused me. I so understand!! If it's an "important" show to me - like The Amazing Race - I do NOT want to watch it with a group of people. I want it quiet so I can hear everything.

And I'm so with you on the new makeup. It's so fun to get new makeup!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and can I just say...I love that you're posting every day in May! Yay for you!

Sarah said...

No-- don't read that book! It is on my bad list!! It has the distinction of being the only book in 6 years of studying literature that I didn't finish. I actually used the cliff notes because I just could not make myself keep reading it.

Laurie said...

I hear you on #9 on the bad list. And I hear you about Oprah, too, but I think many subjects of her shows (you know, like the polygamists this week) are really interesting. It keeps me coming back.

New make-up is the best!

Mom of 4 Maniacs said...

oh... yea, thanks for correcting me. I definitely won't read it... that would have been annoying.

I got new makeup today!