May 9, 2008

A Toast to Myself

Have you ever wished you could go back in time and give yourself a high-five? (Not that I encourage high-fives with anyone over the age of 12 as a general rule) If not, you can't understand my dilemma.....but there are some of you who know just what I'm talking about. And today? Well, today I really could have kissed myself circa November or December 2007.

What did I do to make me so proud of myself you ask? Well, it might not seem like much to you, but I found a dollar that I'd hidden in a little wooden box in my office at work. And why was this so wonderful? I found it after a frustrated 10 minute search (ok, maybe only 5) for vending machine money for a Diet Dr. Pepper. I hardly ever have cash and I was on the verge of once again asking my secretary if I could borrow a dollar from her (which makes me feel like a 5 year old even though I always promptly pay her back).

And that is what is so amazing! At some point in the past not only did I have a dollar on me, but I actually took the initiative to squirrel it away in a place I knew I'd forget about it so that I would eventually stumble onto it in a time of need. And it worked! My plan that I forgot that I planned actually came together.

So here's to you pre-Christmas Sarah! You helped me get my afternoon caffeine fix. Well done!


Anonymous said...

I'd like to thing that your mother is responsible for putting those kind of stashing away ideas into your head. It makes for a very satisfying moment, doesn't it?. XXO KJT

Anonymous said...

How nice to find money when you're looking for it!

Mom of 4 Maniacs said...

I don't know why and don't be offended, but I think it's hilarious that you have a secretary. Now I'm picturing all my friends with secretaries. Like Katie, have you ever had a secretary? That'd be funny too. Now you can picture me with one....I think equally as funny.

Laurie said...

Well done, indeed!

Anonymous said...

That is such a nice surprise from yourself! Congrats on thinking ahead. I just love reading your blog! Kenna