May 13, 2008

5 Things I Did Today

1. Pulled several muscles while trying to help a sort-of neighbor who had fallen down when attacked by some blue jays and couldn't get back up. My only other help was the 70 year old who came and got me to try to help. We didn't have much success.

2. Called 911 and summoned the Fire Department to come get the aforementioned neighbor. (Did NOT get to flirt with any cute firemen. Big disappointment)

3. Was late to work because of #1 and #2

4. Went and bought a big ceramic pot in anticipation of pretending that I can actually buy and keep multiple plants alive.

5. Tried repeatedly to get my hair to stay up in a knot using only one bobby pin. For the most part, it did not work. Contain your surprise.


Anonymous said...

He/she was attacked by blue jays?? What in the world?
That's a different sort of experience. But then, you are a person who has different experiences, as you have blogged about. :)

Anonymous said...

And, too bad about the firemen.

Anonymous said...

What an important way to start your day- a chance to help someone. XOOO KJT

Laurie said...

Crazy! Both about the blue jays and the plant ambition :)

Kelly T said...

This is a little unorthodox, but just go with me here... ever try TWO bobby pins?

Sarah said...

Kelly, Kelly, Kelly-- there was only one bobby pin to be had! Unfortunately, I had NOT squirreled away in extra bobby pins in any little wooden boxes.