May 27, 2008

May's Musical Selections

I haven't done this one for awhile-- but as we're nearing the end of the month of daily posts (whew!) and I'm running out of ideas, we're returning to a classic.

So I now present to you my Song List for May 2008:

"Comfort" by Deb Talan
My friend Erin gets the credit for introducing me to Deb Talan. Her lyrics are creepy yet comforting: creepy because it seems that someone dug into your brain and decided to put your innermost thoughts and insecurities to a pretty tune and comforting because they let you realize that yes, someone else DOES feel that way too.

Ache by James Carrington
The kind of song that makes girls wish they could enchant a musician just so he would write songs likes this about them.

Rhumboogie by The Andrews Sisters
Listen to this while cleaning your house and just try not to have a LITTLE fun. Go on. I dare you.

Back To Me by Kathleen Edwards
As a nice girl I really shouldn't like this song.....but alas, I really I do.

Windows and Walls by Jules Sheer with Patty Griffin
This song is weird. Jules Sheer really has kind of a creepy voice-- but when Patty Griffin comes in with her harmony, it is IMPOSSIBLE not to sing along. I'm sure if I were musical I would be able to tell you the special name for why the harmony is weird but beautiful-- but I'm not. So I'll just tell you to listen to it and enjoy.

Blush by Plumb
This is such a "WB" kind of song, I shouldn't really recommend it (wait-- did I just age myself? Should I have said "The CW" there?)-- but that would just be pretending that I'm not the kind of 31 year old that still gets into shows about teenagers. And I think we all know that is EXACTLY the kind of girl I am.

Look Away by Chicago
I can't hear this song without performing it melodramatically...... (this and "You're the Inspiration"). I also can't listen to Chicago without thinking of the road trip I took with "the girls" in Oregon. Nothing beats driving down the coast with 5 girls singing at the top of their lungs getting just about every other word right. "Look Away, baby....LOOK AWAY"

We Could Be Together by Debbie Gibson (campfire mix)
That's right. I said the CAMPFIRE MIX. (that is very important) If you doubt my love for this song, then you just need to check with my friend Bobby whom I once subjected to a performance of it on the way back from IHOP. I think his silent staring meant he was thoroughly impressed. (In fact, listening to it while typing this I broke out into another rendition of it-- this song will not be denied!)

We Are Man and Wife by Michelle Featherstone
Is it wrong to want to have a wedding just so I can play this song in it? No? I didn't think so.

E-Pro by Beck
A great work out song. (At least it would be if I -- well, you know-- actually worked out....but I have it prepped and ready to go on my iPod in case the mood strikes)

Patricide by Hans Zimmer (Gladiator Soundtrack)
Funny story-- I was making my dad a mix CD a year or so ago and I had this song on there. It was only at the last minute I realized what the name of the song was and why it might be a bad idea to put it on a CD for my FATHER. But it is still beautiful.


Erin said...

YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! L-O-V-E the new look and L-O-V-E musical selection posts!!!!!!! Nice picks! Hurray for Deb! I'd like to think we'd be friends if we knew each other. I can't wait to check out some of the other suggestions!

Anonymous said...

Ooooh! Like the new look! Pretty!

And you've done SO good at posting every day in May! Yay for you! I'm sure it will be nice for you (but SAD for us) when June rolls around.