May 4, 2008

"Who knows where thoughts come from? They just appear!"

This is going to fall under the category of things I should never admit to thinking......

I've been having an ant problem lately. I can't figure out where they are coming from and they are grossing me out. My mom gave me something called "Orange Guard" that works very nicely and isn't toxic and smells just like Orange Juice......I've been having quite the time shooting the little suckers with my citrus weapon.

None of that is the concerning part. Here's what I shouldn't admit: the other morning I was spraying more of them and I caught myself wondering if maybe I should leave some of the dead ants on the counter for the day as sort of a deterrent/warning to other ants that might come in.

Now I'm wondering if I was some sort of South American dictator in a former life.


Anonymous said...'re too funny. Maybe as soon as the ants see the dead ants, they'll scurry away and warn all other ants not to go to your house!!
I am amused.

And, your mom commented on my blog! How nice!

(Do ants "scurry"?)

Sarah said...

They do at my house!

Amanda said...

Shannon at Rocks in my Dryer had the same problem, and readers recommended a product that worked miracles. You can read about it on her blog: