May 17, 2008

Not Always the Brightest Bulb in the Bunch

Example One:
For years I wondered how "water pills" worked. I didn't understand how they could get a significant amount of the hydrating stuff into a little pill. Was it some sort of chemical reaction? Was it just a little boost of some sort of "super" H2O? I don't think I need to explain to you my friend's face when she explained to me the water pills get RID of water. (I guess here is where I admit that the explanatory conversation was had less than a year ago) I stand by my assertion that they should be called ANTI-Water pills. That is much clearer.

Example Two:
I recently found out that I am (well, I was until Thursday) still paying renter's insurance on my friend's house that I haven't lived in since August. This was in addition to my current homeowner's policy. And I didn't notice. Until Wednesday. When contacted about the situation, my insurance company told me it was very nice of me to insure someone else for that long. (they then gave me my money back after not making me feel stupid about it at all-- which I kind of deserved)


Anonymous said...

That's so great that they gave you your money back!