August 23, 2008

That Time Again

I've been going through old files on my computer tonight-- reading things I'd completely forgotten I'd written (which, let's face it, is a weird way to entertain yourself). I found a little something that I wrote right around the time of my 26th birthday. It's kind of personal, and if at the time you'd told me I would EVER post it on the internet for others to read, I would have given you one of my patented eye rolls/dirty looks. But reading it tonight made me laugh (in a good way) and remember a fairly major paradigm shift that I went through in my mid 20s.

I think this will make sense to some of you.....and those are the people I'm posting it for. So, to anyone to whom the below words mean ANYTHING....this is for you!

I think some people spend their whole lives waiting for their life to begin.

I know this because I have spent 26 years feeling like I am standing in line waiting for my turn on the ride---only my turn never comes. Sure, I get to watch other people take the ride, and I can even talk to the people in line around me about the best places to sit and the most dangerous curves-but I've never been able to experience them for myself because I can't seem to get to the front of the line.

It's life through a view-finder and I'm sick of it. So you know what I'm saying? Screw this ride. I'm gonna go build my one of my own.


Laurie said...

That is great. Twenty-somethings everywhere should read that, I think. It's so validating of where so many of us are at certain times, and therefore, really encouraging.

Erin said...

This could be why I'm in debt. I decided long ago (in my 20's I'm sure) to never wait to do something I really wanted to until... So many I know say: I'll {travel, go to a concert, buy a house, have kids, etc} as soon as... Yeah for you! One life to live and no waiting in line!!!!!

Emily said...

Oh sentiments exactly! I can 100% agree with those exact feelings at that time in my that I'm 32 and still not to the front of the line (in the married/kid area)...while my feet are mighty tired from standing in line...I see the view in line a whole different way and I've learned to enjoy my interests along the way (most of the time that is)!