August 5, 2008

No, No, and did I mention NO?

Dear Ms Holmes/Cruise:

No. You are not bringing back tight-rolled jeans. You aren't, so just STOP IT.


The American Public

P.S. Also? What is with the hair? You are making us rethink our Dawson's Creek days......


Andrea Kay said...

I agree with you on the jeans! I noticed a photo a few days ago and just tried to block it from my eyes. But, the hair...I have read it is for a tv show she is doing, making an appearance for. Can we hope that is the excuse for the jeans too??

Sarah said...

Unfortunately, no. I have seen at least 3 different pictures of her in different outfits with tight-rolled jeans....this was just the easiest one to swipe for my blog!

OK Chick said...

I couldn't agree with you more! Been there, done that style.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha, those jeans remind me of 1991.... oh dear.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha, those jeans remind me of 1991.... oh dear.

Laurie said...

I remember when I thought tight-rolling jeans was the ONLY way.

I can't imagine this coming back.