February 15, 2010

Personality Test Extravaganza

So, I just found an old blog entry where I took the "Ultimate Personality Test" 5 years ago. Turns out? Not that much has changed. Here's the same old result as last time:

You are exactly what your name implies. You see what other people miss. You are the intellectual of the personality types as well as the philosopher. You possess a cool and rational nature and take things in stride. You are concerned with the "big picture" and always know what is going on. You know people better than they know themselves and it makes them nervous sometimes. You know exactly what people don't want you to know about them, but fortunately you are a pacifist and don't (usually) use it against them. But take care not to get to detached through the lens of that powerful microscope of yours. You can be a little cool towards people and you sometimes need to remember that you have a heart as well as a brain.

A little good a little bad I guess?