February 14, 2010

All The Single Ladies

The other day I was thinking that this is the first year I am truly, truly happy to not have a date for Valentine's Day. (Long story. Not going into it.) Anyhoo-- that got me to thinking about the OTHER things I like about being single. And though we've covered some of this before, I thought what better way to celebrate the 14th of February than to give a shout out (yeah, that's right-- I said SHOUT OUT. Deal with it) to all my single friends and remind them (and me) of many of the lovely things about our lives as they are RIGHT NOW.

And so, may I present to you my list of awesome things about being single:

1. You don't share your remote control with anyone

2. You can sleep on any side of your bed that you want

3. You can spend $80 on a haircut and not have to explain it to ANYONE

4. You have complete control over your thermostat

5. You can go to NBA games and talk about the relative hotness of various players and not worry about insulting anyone. (Not that I've EVER done this, mind you)

6. You can decide to go on trips wherever you want and not worry about anyone else feeling "left out"

7. When you are tired and cranky and have had a horrible day, you can go home to a completely silent house and not have to talk to anyone if you don't want to

8. You don't have to worry about anyone drinking the rest of the Dr. Pepper you have sitting in the fridge

9. You can flirt with security guards to try and get special treatment without offending anyone (again, not that I have ever done that...)

10. There is no one to tell you that you really need to balance your checkbook so they know how much money is left in the account

11. You can cut your hair as short as you want

12. You don't have to wash anyone's underwear but your own

13. You have no in-laws (for better OR for worse)

14. You can spend every last holiday wherever you please

15. You don't have to pay for the extra ESPN tier on your digital cable package

16. There is no one to judge how much you may or may not pay for your hair products

17. You can let your Dad pay for dinner without hurting anyone's ego (assuming you don't have one of your own, anyway. I won't lie-- I do this one every time I am home. Thanks Dad!)

18. There is no one to wonder why you need to own 10 scarves

19. If you are a blanket hog, it impacts exactly NO ONE


I'm sure's there are more-- but that's what I've got off the top of my head.

Happy Single Liberation Day Ladies!!


Andrea Kay said...

On a normal day I would appreciate all of them ( a LOT), but after my night I am really jealous of the "no snoring" one. Whew!

Megan said...

I'd better not comment specifically...

Your posts make me laugh! :)

Damon and Amy said...

I am cracking up right now and must agree with Andrea on the snoring one!!

Sarah said...

What I find entertaining is that it is all of the married people commenting!

D's Mom said...

Fun list!

That is an interesting point -- it is all married people commenting!

And I'm sure you're SO happy about #20 after sharing the hotel room with me in KC. :)