April 12, 2009

An Unusual Problem

This morning in Bible Class we were asked to share our favorite Bible Verse. And putting aside that it was clearly a stalling move by the teacher since his class was ending waaay early.....his request proved problematic for me for several reasons. First of all-- I couldn't really remember what my favorite scripture specifically said-- mostly just the gist of it.

And you are probably thinking-- "So? Just look it up, Sarah! Yeesh!". First of all, don't be so snippy-- it's rude. Secondly, I would have been happy to do that if I remembered where it was actually located. So yeah-- not only did I not really remember what my favorite scripture exactly said....I didn't really remember where it was. Somewhere in Psalms or Proverbs was as close as I was getting.

But I persevered and eventually found it-- and then stumbled onto the third and ultimately definitive problem. Once I read the exact wording, I realized there was no possible way anyone could get me to read THAT scripture out loud in a Singles Bible Class.

What is this mysterious scripture, you ask?

"An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips.
Proverbs 24:26


OK Chick said...

I used to love that verse! It used to be my all time favorite but it has been replaced.
I think you should have read it out loud. HA!

katie said...


At least you found the verse. :)

Anonymous said...

I've never heard that verse before. That or it didn't stick with me if I did. You should have read it outloud!
