June 13, 2008

Thought of the Day

There is something seriously wrong when you find yourself envying the baby-soft smoothness of your brother-in-law's feet.


Anonymous said...

Boy, are you in trouble ...

Sarah said...

I meant seriously wrong with ME! with ME!

Anonymous said...

If I were compiling a list of the the top-ten things for which I wished to be envied, baby-soft feet would never enter my fact, but for your comment I would not have known I had baby-soft feet. Beginning this evening, I am soaking them each night to make sure they stay that way....

...still no sign of the mystery tooth....

Andrea Kay said...

Part of me really wants to ask, "why?" and the other part of me just simply wants to let it go.....without another word.

Sarah said...

Wow. Who knew that all it would take to get Stephen to FINALLY comment would be a compliment to his feet!

Anonymous said...

Can I ask what the "mystery tooth" is?

Sarah said...

Stephen "helped" Eli pull out a loose tooth (something to do with tying floss around the loose tooth in some sort of loop and then pulling it out). This last time, my mom and I were there so the whole thing turned into a family affair (Meredith held the cup of water for the tooth afterwards and Megan held Eli's hand). Anyhoo-- the tooth came out alright. It came out with such force that it went flying towards the fridge and disappeared. Stephen and Megan looked everywhere for it-- even pulled out the fridge (that was actually when I spotted Stephen's baby-soft feet....when he was tilted over trying to look behind the fridge for the tooth).

Apparently they still haven't found it. I think Eli was planning on writing an explanatory note to the tooth fairy.

Mom of 4 Maniacs said...

hmmm. really? you've touched his feet?

Sarah said...

No, no, no. NO.

Damon and Amy said...

I am so glad I was not reading this at work because I just let out the loudest most annoying laugh at the post. Seriously though, what is his secret? Do tell!

Sarah said...

Only he can answer is his magical secret-foot knowledge, I guess.