June 14, 2008

Maybe I Can Save You Some Money

I don't usually bother with movie reviews-- but today, I feel the need to branch out and give you all a warning. What has caused me to feel this need? Well, this afternoon I went and saw a little movie called The Happening. Admittedly, M. Night Shamalyan (I have no idea if that is really how you spell that) has had some rough movies in the past-- but I always still held an affection for him because of The Sixth Sense (a movie that actually surprised me-- a rare feat) and Unbreakable.

Well, I'm here to tell you that he has beaten that affection into the ground and then stomped on it for good measure with this movie. It was the perfect storm of bad acting, atrocious writing, cringe inducing piety and just silly directing. I am not exaggerating when I tell you that 5 minutes into the movie watching Mark Wahlberg, I turned to my friend and said "What is wrong with him? Why is he talking like that?". I've seen him in other isn't as if he can't act. So I don't know what happened in this movie. And it was like a virus that spread to everyone around him. Pretty soon everyone was at the acting ability of your average 8th grader.

By the time we were 15 minutes in, I couldn't stop laughing. I spent most of the movie with my hand either over my eyes to block the silly goriness of the movie or over my mouth so as not to disturb others with my giggles.

There are no words for how bad this movie was. Seriously.


Andrea Kay said...

I am so amused at your entire post. I was actually considering going to see the movie....but thank you for putting that money back in my pocket! Next time you go to a movie and you don't like it...please tell us how you really felt about it!

Anonymous said...

I didn't know whether I should see it because I didn't know if the "scariness" would be too much for me...and with you mentioning there's gore, I probably shouldn't see it. And if it's not good anyway, then, I'm not missing anything.

Sarah said...

Well, maybe I should qualify:

If you like movies where the lead actor says every line with raised eyebrows and a tone you take when talking to a 5 year old, and if you enjoy seeing people killing themselves in every way possible....this is the flick for you!

Kelly T said...

This is funny. Ben and I read a review of this in the Utah paper; the review actually "spoiled" part of the movie and we couldn't stop talking about what a stupid plot it was. Glad we won't be wasting our money on this one... I'm so disappointed in Shamalyan.