September 14, 2008

Just Wondering

Does anyone else consistently have people in stores or other public places come up to them and say things like "Oh, smile! It can't be that bad!" or "Cheer up!" or "Having a bad day?" when you don't even know that you are frowning?

Apparently, I am quite the scowler.


Emily said...

Hmm...can't say that I do...however, I've learned it's best when in stores, just to avoid eye contact all together! There are some weirdos out there.

Anonymous said...

It's been a while but yes I have had that experience more times than I'd like. xoo kjt

Laurie said...

I've been told several times, and honestly, it always put me off.

Andrea Kay said...

Not really...but what I find that I know no one else that is talked to by strangers in stores more than you. Strange men hitting on you, people telling you to cheer up...etc. For someone that "scowls" you sure do get spoken to a lot.