September 22, 2008

An Important Update

I know that many of you can't wait for me to go to Hong Kong for the sole reason that you are in desperate need of an update on the status of the breakfast buffet at the JW Marriott. Throughout past trips, you have heard my complaints about the status of their bacon (it was gross) amongst other things.

Well, I have good news and bad news. The good news is that the breakfast buffet underwent a little bit of a makeover (very disconcerting my first morning down-- totally interfered with my usual routine)-- but it did result in (drum roll please)......better bacon!

Sadly, though, this better bacon has come at a high cost. The bad news is this: they have DROPPED both the peanut butter AND the Nutella from the buffet. How is a girl supposed to have her peanut butter and nutella toast with slivered almonds on top without 2 of the 4 ingredients?? They finally dug up some peanut butter for me (apparently the smoothie guy had a stash) but, got a little old having to ask for it EVERY morning.

I wonder if any of this has to do with why Mandy has started calling me "princess" on this trip. Personally I don't see the connection-- but whatever. (It probably doesn't help my case that I noticed on check in that they had hand written "SOFT MATTRESS!!" on the bottom of my paperwork......)


Andrea Kay said...

It is okay to be a princess on trips...but only if you admit it and own it. Walking around making princess demands while denying the special treatment doesn't make for new friends! Funny!

Anonymous said...

Good point, Andrea -- you need to own it. :)

The end of your post made me laugh.

Sarah said...

I object to the idea that I walk about making princess demands. I would argue that I walk around with princess HOPES.

Laurie said...

Sarah, I will use a Katie and gang word, and say that you amuse me. Very much. This post is hilarious.
The soft mattress part deserves a post of its own.

Mom of 4 Maniacs said...

Interesting. Do you travel with your own down comforter too?