September 11, 2008

A Bunch of Theoretical Mumbo Jumbo

I've been thinking a lot lately about how rarely we really know what other people are thinking. For some of you, that might not be a new thought-- but to be perfectly honest-- I tend to give myself a little too much credit in that area. I like to think that I have an intuition about what people are thinking and feeling. But really, I'm not so sure why I think that. And short of someone coming up and actually TELLING you their thoughts and feelings-- you can never really know if you are right or not.

So what does this mean and why am I thinking about something that is probably obvious to everyone else? Well-- many women spend a lot of time worrying about what other people think about them. They waste countless hours feeling self-conscious. But really, if you can never truly know what other people are thinking-- then all we are really doing is projecting our own thoughts onto other people. So basically all we are doing is worrying about nothing more than a bunch of hypotheticals. And if you are going to assume that someone is thinking something about you-- why not just assume they are thinking something awesome?

For example, a woman you don't know frowns at you? Assume she's disturbed by her own jealous reaction to your super cute new pants.

A guy you know ignores you when you try to say hi? Assume he's intimidated by your intelligence.

Now-- I do feel the need to give a disclaimer here. If these thoughts occur to you naturally, if you are wondering why anyone wouldn't think these things in the first place-- then these rules are not for you.


Anonymous said...

Is this post directed toward me?


Sarah said...

Not specifically. To be perfectly honest, it is directed towards 80% of the women I know (and a few of the men).