May 17, 2007

Things That Happened To Me Today

1. I accidentally listened to a Clay Aiken song.

2. I was thwarted in my attempts to find a professional and mature way to call someone an idiot via email

3. My favorite restaurant neglected to give me a fork for my "to go" salad causing me to contemplate the practicality of trying to eat a salad with my fingers.

4. I drove for nearly 20 minutes with my left arm unnaturally extended over the right side of my body just to prevent getting a sunburn through my window. I hate it when I forget my sunscreen.

5. I used baby powder in my hair so I could sleep another 20 minutes and not have to get up earlier to wash it.

6. I emailed approximately 5 people to tell them about someone I don't know and will never meet breaking their back and being in the hospital as if they were a close friend. (I'm sorry-- I happen to really like Jim and Pam on The Office! So sue me.)

7. I sent 3 emails to myself


Laurie said...

So funny! You always have my laughing. I can relate to the sunscreen situation, and sleep ALWAYS wins in the sleep versus clean hair dilemma. Baby powder is one of the best products ever (never mind I have dark hair)

Laurie said...

always have ME laughing.. :)

Emily said... that baby powder trick really works? I'd heard about it before, but I'll admit I was a skeptic and had not been brave enough to try it!

Amanda said...

Hi there -- I'm a complete stranger who has been completely cracking up while stalking your blog (hope you don't mind).

Since I'm often stuck looking for alternative terminology, I thought this may be a helpful solution to your issue #2.

Sarah said...

Of course I don't mind, Amanda! I've always wanted my own blog stalker. :-)

I think my favorite option on your thoughtful link must be "tom-fool". I might just get away with calling someone that since they would have no idea I was insulting them.