May 2, 2007

Random Self-Focused Facts For The Day After May 1st (sometimes known as May 2nd)

*I don't understand how anyone can NOT like peanut butter

*It worries me that I'm wrong when certain people in my life agree with me

*I often wish that there was a mirror that made us see the things we refuse to see about ourselves.

*I cannot stand to listen to Bill Maher say one single word. The man could open his mouth to tell me about the weather and I'd STILL want to smack him.

*I don't know how to reconcile the warriors of the Old Testament with the message of Christ in the New Testament.

*My greatest pet peeve is being told to calm down.

*I only like birds in theory

*I don't sing along to the radio as much as I used to, and I don't know why that changed

*It annoys me when people are not satisfied with deluding themselves and must make others agree with their delusions as well. It annoys me even more when other people actually do it. I probably greatly annoy people when I don't.

*I eat far too many apples

*I don't think I wash my sheets as often as you are supposed to. I don't even know how often you are supposed to.

*I think Harry Reid is a disgrace.

*I don't remember a time in my life when I didn't obsess about a chosen television show

*I hate the ice cream truck that circles our neighborhood

*I'm not sure how morally correct certain fertility treatments are

*I think many churches are often country clubs with Bibles

*I don't know what I think of a world where we will tell a million strangers our every thought in the comfort of invisiblity but we can't find a way to know our neighbors names.


Anonymous said...

Your "suppose to" once a week--NOBODY does that, however. KJT

Anonymous said...

Oooh - that means that I did your worst pet peeve the other day on email. Oops! :)

Bill Maher needs to go away. Someone who can be that full of himself while being that wrong about the world....I'm realizing, though, as I'm commenting about him, that God loves him too.

Anonymous said...

You should never calm down...go crazy!

Laurie said...


What a great list! Why is it that everytime you make one I feel the need to call you and discuss each point in great detail? I am not even kidding :)

First, I will venture out and admit that I really don't like peanut butter. And here is was that we thought we understood one another perfectly :). But, that's okay... you don't like coffee; I don't like peanut butter... we can just move right on past these minor misunderstandings and carry on.

I totally agree that little is worse than "calm down" or the like. Makes me mad just thinking about it.

My guess is that almost noone who does their own laundry washes sheets anywhere near once a week.

I have a great fondness for apples, too. They are even better with caramel dip. But only Fuji will do.

I really hear you on the last one. I think about the effect technology has had and is having on socialization all the time. Only one thing is certain in my mind... socially, we are in a very different world. A part of me thinks there is no use fighting it and it is best to embrace the changes. The other part of me wants to bake cookies to bring to the neighbors who don't know who I am. I guess there is nothing stopping me from doing both though.

Emily said...

I'm surprised to know you sing less with the radio, I'm still going strong on that one, so I must get that trait from my mom's side instead of the Farrier side.

Sarah said...
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