May 10, 2007

Have you ever had someone tell you something so far out of the bounds of information you'd ever want to know that you have no idea how to respond and all you can do the whole time they are talking is try to think of ways to make yourself NOT laugh because even a smirk would not be appropriate in this situation? And then you wonder why you are worried about restraining yourself to an APPROPRIATE response to a completely INappropriate story that you never wanted to hear in the first place and yet there's no denying that you don't want to make the aforementioned "someone" feel bad for completely grossing you out.


Laurie said...

This is hilarious. Honestly, though, I am not sure I have had that experience. Not sure why but I do know that there is little that goes into TMI for me. With the exception of bathroom stuff. And, then again, after having kids, pretty much anything goes.

Also, I think I am guilty of telling people stuff they don't want to hear. I mean, the intricate details of breastfeeding are always open for discussion to friends and strangers alike, just ask B, who runs and hides the minute the subject is broached. :)

I can just see you sitting there trying not to laugh.

Sarah said...

Well-- that's just the thing. I think you would agree that I have a rather high tolerance for TMI and have also been prone to probably giving people more information than they really wanted or needed in the past (Banana Republic fitting room girl ring a bell?)....but in this instance I have no doubt even you would agree that this (normally quiet and reserved) person wandered so far off the Appropriate Conversations at Work Reservation that there was really no coming back from it.

Anonymous said...

You're a nice person. She probably felt that she could share with you and you wouldn't look at her weird (which you didn't!). Start being mean, then you won't have to worry about it. Hee hee

Sarah said...

Why is that to people I don't want to talk to I'm "nice" and "approachable" but to people I DO want to talk to I am "intimidating"?

I see a problem with this logic...

Laurie said...

Okay, Sarah, now I've really gotta know.

Call me and give me all the gory details :)