February 26, 2009

Analyze THIS

I've been having lots of weird dreams lately. One involved a Friday the 13th-like scenario with me and other people running around some summer camp. (No, I haven't watched any horror movies lately)

One involved one of my good (single) friends getting pregnant and lots of conversations with my father (the dream version) with him insisting he had no idea she was "THAT kind of girl!!!!" (he was taking it very hard)

There was another dream where I accidentally dyed my hair blond and was SO relieved when I woke up and realized I still had brown hair.

But by far the most disturbing (to me) dream was the one where I had these long purple, hairs growing out of my finger tips. I just couldn't figure out how to groom it-- and if I should shave it (how WOULD you shave your fingertips?) or try to pluck it or WHAT. But I did have the (dream) thought that it would nicely conceal my fingerprints. WHY dream version of me was worried about this....I have no idea. Maybe I was going to be a covert Muppet or something......


OK Chick said...

But by far the most disturbing (to me) dream was the one where I had these long purple, hairs growing out of my finger tips.
Umm gross. HA!

Anonymous said...

Okay, that last one made me laugh...why WOULD be worried about covering up your fingerprints? Hmmmm....

Emily said...

Seriously...what do you eat being going to bed? I've always heard that eating certain things(have no idea what) can cause strange dreams. Me...well...I remember a dream maybe once a month...apparently they aren't exciting enough to remember!