March 27, 2007

Two Ways to Approach Travel (Mom, You Might Want To Skip This One)

One of my favorite places we visited last week were the Cliffs of Mohair. For those unfamiliar with Ireland, here's one of my snapshots I took while we were there:

There are two basic ways to approach the cliffs (given a pretty, NON windy day like we had). The first consists of what could be called the "Recommended Route"-- or what we started calling it, THE SAFE WAY (meaning you were on the approved "tourist path" with a four foot tall wall between you and anything interesting....)

This was nice and all, but to be honest....seeing the Cliffs this way was kind of depressing and just kind of made me feel like a Treadmill Tourist. Much MUCH better was the second option---what I like to call FUN Tourism:

And sure, it may have involved scaling a small wall and going onto private property-- but some things were just not meant to be seen from behind a concrete barrier.

(Mom? Are you still breathing? I told you not to look!)


Anonymous said...

Very cute photo of you and Erin (the next to last one). That is so you to want to get off the "touristy" path. The cliffs you were at are so beautiful!

Laurie said...

So beautiful and sounds so fun! And, I love the pic of you and Erin, too.

I would have been freaking out about falling over.

Sarah said...

Yeah- I was having a NOT great hair day, otherwise I'd like that picture a lot more. (Long story short-- as the earlier picture will attest to, I was wearing a pink hat that day-- one that Clark referred to as a giant pink toaster cozy, I believe-- so I didn't even really do my hair. Unfortunately, the hat was sacrificed to the Cliffs by the time the later pictures were taken!)

We were freaking out a little really was just a very sheer drop down.