January 21, 2010

Questions of the Day

1. Is it wrong to want to TAKE DOWN the 6 year old who keeps shooting you in Laser Tag?

2. Is it worse if the aforementioned brat is a small child you don't know?

3. Do loud people (that I may or may not work with) sound as loud in their own heads as they do to the rest of us?

4. Why do soft things (like bread) get hard when they get too old but hard things (like celery) get soft when they are too old?

5. Is it weirder that I currently have 6 jars of peanut butter in my cabinet or that I think the military should send soldiers in uniform out on missions to places like Chili's just to increase morale for the female population?

6. Should I be concerned that my 9 year old niece announced tonight that "Aunt Sarah is always a good judge of who is hot and who isn't?"

7. And do you think that made my sister wonder what I've been saying to her daughter?

8. I wonder how long I'm going to leave my blue towel taped over my fireplace?

9. Do ants ever make noise?

10. Do you think God told Adam how to milk a cow? If not, who was the first person to try it?


William said...

Was that nine year-old niece my daughter? I didn't hear that one...and did that take place while the three girls were in the car without the guys?

Sara said...

#6 LOL!! That's great!

Megan said...

"William" seems to have already forgotten the Will Ferrell is hot story...

D's Mom said...

Yep, #6 -- HILARIOUS!!

OK Chick said...

The last one made me laugh!

Entropy S. said...

I've heard termites, and they were behaving like ants. Does that count for number 9?