August 23, 2007


Today- I am not in a good mood

Today- I woke up thinking about cleaning supplies

Today- I thought a lot of mean thoughts about people I don't know (who may or may not have been driving near me on the road)

Today- I didn't like any songs I heard on the radio

Today- It took very little to annoy me

Today- I forgot several crucial steps while getting ready for work

Today- I didn't pack a single box

Today- I realized my hair dresser lied to me when he told me he trimmed my bangs (or maybe he was just distracted by his glorious plans that seem to involve me painting my fireplace hot pink)

Today- I lived another day of my very blessed life and was rather ungrateful about it. Hopefully when tomorrow becomes today I'll do a slightly better job.


Laurie said...

Sarah, well, yesterday's tomorrow is now today, and I hope it is a great one!

I can just hear Brenton going off about hot pink fireplaces, which is kind of funny since I've never met him.

I wish I were around to help you move and pack-- my guess is that we would not get that much accomplished, but it would be more fun.

Anonymous said...

I hope you are having a better day today as well.

It takes so little to annoy me sometimes -- but you might already know that. :)

TheFamDoc24 said...

Hope that you're having a better day today. Love you Sarah T.