August 6, 2007

A Matter of Perspective

Today I read an article about a woman who made the controversial decision to get married "young". It was called something like "Crazy in love or just Crazy?" I say "young" because the woman that wrote the article was 24 when she got married. Apparently this wild and crazy behaviour scandalized her family and friends who could not believe someone would settle down at such an early point in life.

I supposed I should have been appreciating the wit and wisdom of the article (if there was any)-- but all I could do was laugh. I don't know anyone who would consider 24 "young" to be getting married. And it just reminded me of something I know-- but tend to forget-- and that is the fact that the Midwest Christian view of the appropriate age of marriage is NOT the general world view. I don't know who is right and who is wrong, but it amuses me that in many parts of our country you can be considered too young to get married when in other parts you are an old maid at the very same age.

It was a good reminder for me that you can't live your life based on other people's opinions and expectations since those two things are going to be so different everywhere you go.


Anonymous said...

Well, I don't think 24 would be considered an old maid in any part of the country (maybe I'm wrong)....but I do agree with you that the Midwest Christian view of when to get married compared to other "groups" in our country is quite different.

Some people would be so incredibly appalled to find out what age I was when I got married! :)

TheFamDoc24 said...

I'm happy I waited till nearly 30. I think I appreciate Lisa that much more.
And since it is now pretty common place that adolescence does not end until around the ages of 25-26 I think it makes sense to wait. Too many life changes already in the early to mid 20s.

Laurie said...

Good point, Sarah. I kindof freak out sometimes when I realize how young I was when I married. I would do it all over again, but if my girls told me they were getting married at 21, I would freak out on them, too. :)

I would need my good friends to remind me that others--even one's children-- should not live their lives according to other people's opinions and expectations. :)