July 31, 2006

Random (cliche) Thoughts: Volume 2

We make so many little decisions in our lives that seem inconsequential. But the thing about all of those little decisions is that you never know which little decision is going multiply until it infiltrates every corner of your life.

Every choice is a step leading you somewhere. The question is: Where do you want to go??


Anonymous said...

I know even little choices play a role in our lives, but it's crazy to think about how different your life would be based on big choices - for me, here are two:
*What would my life be like now if I'd gone to a college other than OC?
*What would my life be like now if Troy and I had moved to Wichita instead of LIncoln?

Laurie said...

You say this so well, Sarah.

Lately, I have been thinking not so much about where I want to go, but how do I get there...