January 26, 2006

Glamour Girl Morning

So today I decided to bless you all with, uhm.....not my every thought. But I did bring my lovely camera (thanks mom! thanks dad!) along with me today to document the glamerous life a career gal.

Step one: Get up before the sun decides to

Step two: Convince myself that I am wide awake and ready to face the day by abusing the flash function on my camera

Step three: Admire the pretty sunrise and try to ignore the sight/aroma of the fabulous Purina factory

Step four: Do not yell at the struggle of a driver who does not realize he should make his truck go higher than 50 on the TURNPIKE so that your 30 minute drive to work doesn't become your 50 minute drive to work!

Step five: Remember that the entire state is one giant fire hazard and not be alarmed by the CAUTION signs that are flashing over every interstate.

Step six: Enjoy the all imporant caffeine fix that Sonic kindly provides

There now..... wasn't that interesting? Aren't you glad you spent the morning with me? Just wait for the day Susan and I document our lunch hour! That will leave you breathless.


Laurie said...

Girl, I am laughing at the sonic drink for breakfast. I drank cokes in the morning for the caffeine, too, before I became addicted to coffee at age 30. Can you believe that I made it ALL the way through my twenties --through undergrad, through grad school, through two babies practically at the same time --without a drop, only to succumb to the stuff now. But, I LOVE it, I tell you.

Thanks for letting us in on your morning. It was fun for me, if not for you ;)

Sarah said...

Laurie, you became a coffee person?! After grad school? That hysterical!!

Anonymous said...

Youre so purty!

Cole said...

Sarah, I don't know you, but I, too, take self portraits with digital cameras. Nice job.

Sarah said...

Cole: The funny thing is you do know me--- or at least you did at one point! Laurie says I look completely different than I did in grad school--- but I will just have to take her word for it. :-)