June 28, 2005

"We all have our little faults. Mine's in California."

If you have ever wondered why some women like super hero movies so much, you need look no further than the closest male in her life. You see, super hero movies just reinforce the notion that maybe just maybe there really IS a good reason that man in your life always flakes out on you. He really truly doesn't want to let you down time after time, but he has to save the world you see. And it isn't that they don't know what they want. ... it's that the fate of the planet prevents them from having it.

We really like believing that the only reason you would ever stand us up is to save a bus of school children from a meteorite that is speeding to earth. It's not that you got a better offer from one of your friends. It's not that you decided to stay home and have some quality time with your playstation. And of course, you only give us these sad excuses because you can't tell us what you are really doing. That would be giving up your secret identity.

Who wouldn’t rather believe that that it’s Batman disappointing them rather than Apathyman?


Suzy said...

Now I see why you and Susan said I needed to read this entry after our discussion last night. It all makes sense now.