November 10, 2008

Pop Quiz

Which item is more dangerous for the visitors to the White House?


Andrea Kay said...

I would guess the balloon. If it popped, it could sound like gunfire and boy howdy, secret service would be all over that balloon owner! ???

Sarah said...

Well now I feel stupid-- that makes much more sense than the big long rationale I'd come up with about people sneaking in some kind of poison gas in balloons.

Andrea Kay said...

Funny! Wait...I want to hear your rationale now....please??? Maybe it is the poison gas thing...who knows???

Anonymous said...

Sarah, your comment made me laugh out loud.

And I didn't know why balloons wouldn't be allowed -- good thought, Andrea!

(and, YAY, a new post!)

Stacey said...

Yep, I'm pretty sure it the "it sounds like gun shots" thing. The only reason I know that is from some movie I saw once (don't even rememer what it was...just remember balloons popping being mistaken for gun fire.)

Anonymous said...

Thats from In the Line of Fire with Clint Eastwood


OK Chick said...

It has to be the balloon. I believe it's because they do not want you to spread cheer at the White House. I'm kidding. I believe Andrea has it figured out. Maybe she works for the SService???

TheFamDoc24 said...

I think there should be a sign that has the word socialist in a circle with a slash through it. :+)