February 18, 2007

Do I Get A Reward For Two In One Day?

So I spent most of my free time today working on jewelry designs, and as has become my habit of late, I was listening to my iPod on "shuffle". This is always entertaining when it goes on for hours due to several reasons:

1. There are no songs on my iPod that I didn't put there myself, and yet I always wind up with multiple songs that leave me wondering "Who is THAT?" I blame iTunes and their free weekly downloads.

2. There are no songs on my iPod that I didn't put there myself, and yet I always wind up with multiple songs that I HATE, have no idea why they are on my computer, swear I'm going to remove them immediately and then promptly forget about until the next time I'm making jewelry.

3. Musical whiplash is a frequent happening as going from the Andrew Sisters to The Offspring to the score of Schindler's List is not unlikely.

4. I rediscover songs that I've forgotten that I love (I know, I know....can you really forget something if you love it? That's a post for another day when I'm feeling a bit deeper....)

What brings us together today, however, is my desire to share with you some songs that I think you should give a listen to-- at least once. I know I can't make you love them as much as I do....afterall, songs are like books: one person's revelation is another person's annoyance. But you should at least give them a try.

So without further ado, I present February's List Of Songs I Love

(wait, I lied-- I do have one more ado: I don't think these songs have anything terribly objectionable...but I make no promises. It's music, people, No Getting Offended!) :-)

1. Shadow Boxer (Fiona Apple)
*I know some of you are rolling your eyes right now....but the woman's got some great beats and even better lyrics. Yes, she is odd in concert, this is true. But still. "Once my lover, now my friend. What a cunning way to condescend." I love that line. I really, really do.

2. Airport Song (Guster)
*I've had an irrational love of this song for nearly 3 years now. So sinister and so dang catchy! "You'll Be Selling Books At The Airport"!

3. Bei Mir Bist Du Schön (The Andrews Sisters)
*I grew up in the 80s, so it doesn't quite make sense that these ladies take me back to my childhood, but they do. And I defy you to listen to this song and not be singing along by the second verse.

4. On Your Porch (The Format)
*I will never, ever get sick of listening to this song. I love it. A great song about family. "And if you fail, well then you fail...but not to us"

5. Arms of a Woman (Amos Lee)
*Another one that is impossible not to sing with feeling, despite the fact that I'm not personaly looking to be at ease in the arms of a woman.....

6. I Just Don't Think I'll Ever Get Over You (Colin Hay)
*Erin loves this song. I'm just copying her.

7. Say Hello, Wave Goodbye (David Gray)
*"You and I had to be the standing joke of the year"

8. Sweet Dreams (Eurythmics)
*Until this afternoon, I forgot how much this song entertains me

9. Ada Plays (Gabriel Yared- Cold Mountain Score)
*Just a gorgeous piece of music...makes me wish I'd never quit piano because I was "so busy" as a 3rd grader.

10. Hide and Seek (Imogen Heap)
*Weird in a totally wonderful way.


Laurie said...

Sarah, I love this post! Thanks for all the recommendations. I especially love that you have pulled out some of the lyrics--how fun! Do you think you could give a monthly update, as in "March's List." Please... pretty please. :)

I remember you mentioned Amos Lee's song to me, and I have been meaning to tell you that I have the CD. I LOVE the entire thing. I've had it for a while, but it is the CD I am listening to all the time at the moment.

The other CD I am listening to all the time is Corienne Bailey Rae. I love, love, love "Put Your Records On." The girls and I have made up choregraphy to it and have a dance. Pretty funny. But, really, I love it because it hits me in several places--it is such a fun and spirited and girlie song, so much that I feel like I could be in seventh grade again dancing around my room to it with my girlfriends, but then again, I find myself loving the truth in the lyrics so much that, well, I find my thirty two year old self dancing around my living room with my girls, hoping they learn to live what's in this song.

Have you heard it?

Sarah said...

I have! And you're right-- it is a very fun song. Actually, now that I think about it, I think I have it because of the iTunes weekly free download. So I guess I can't blame it for everything!

You know what else is funny? I associate one of our first bonding moments as friends with a song-- The Promise by Tracy Chapman. I remember thinking "If she's not only heard of this song but loves it like I do....I think we need to hang out more often!" See? It was a good instinct!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Sarah. I am SO your musically-challenged friend. I don't keep up with music and artists, and, well, reading your post and Laurie's answer makes me realize I'm very out of the loop.

I should check out some of the songs you mention.

***Lyndsay said...

that is the most amazing song list!
i listen to everything on that amazingly enough and i didnt think anyone else had heard of some of those artists.

Laurie said...

Sarah, I remember bonding over The Promise, too! Isn't is interesting how music brings people together. And isn't is SO great that we now associate each other with that song instead of it's original muse. :) Proof that life, indeed, goes on and many times it just gets better

Sarah said...

That's hysterical, Laurie. You are SO RIGHT!!

Sheesh. I was SUCH a drama queen.