February 21, 2005

Savory Does Not Apply To You OR Your Car

Here's a tip-- if the name of something you are buying starts with "Vanity" and ends with "Plate" then it's a pretty safe bet you probably should just leave it on the shelf at the DMV.

Maybe my memory is faulty, but it seems to me that when I was younger the personalized license plate wasn't all that common. Sure, you had your occasional spoiled housewife who felt the need to declare to the world that her new minivan was "DEBSTOY". And if you were in a small town, you were going to run into the occiasonal idiot that feels the need to let you know that "ILUVGUNS". But most sane people had their boring old car tags that made no sense.

Sadly there seems to be an unfortunate trend these days of anyone and everyone having a personalized car tag.

For example, you have Kenny Cashcow, proud new owner of a Hummer. Now, this is great news for Kenny who clearly has money to burn and a strong disdain for our natural resources. What better way to celebrate that than paying the government extra money for a little tin tag that says "MYHUMMR"? I mean, I realize the car says HUMMER about 50 times in different places on the body, but if you hadn't added that important vanity plate, I might never have realized that you-- the person sitting behind the wheel-- are in fact the proud owner. Well done, Kenny. Well done.

And then you have Tammy Tightpants who is so cool that she has to pay the DMV to tell you that she's a "WLDGRL" Good thing she put that on the back of her Chevy Cavalier, because otherwise I might never have noticed and given her the wide-eyed respect that she's so clearly due. She's a WIlDGIRL! Who am I to question the fact that she's smoking, talking on a cell phone and letting her five year old climb all over her front seat while she drives 80 down the freeway? Oh to be like Tammy. A girl can only dream.