February 24, 2008

The Unknown Kryptonite! (This post is for the girls!)

As some of you know (and are highly amused by), I've had a bit of a problem over the years while making the occasional trip to Super Walmart. I seem to have a strange ability to draw attention from the sort of men who sometimes feel compelled to, uhm, well, let's say they like to compliment me. (And if you think I'm bragging about that fact with this post, well then, you just need to have faith that these aren't the guys you really WANT complimenting you and leave it at that).

I'm positive I'm not the only woman who has had this problem over the years-- and tonight I realized something amazing-- something very freeing. There is apparently one special thing that can render you totally invisible to all men-- even the creepy ones!!

So what is this miracle phenomenon, you wonder?

Drum roll please...............


On second thought-- maybe it was the crazy look on my face. Mental note: From now always take the braids AND the crazy face!


Anonymous said...

You're cute regardless. :)

And, you know what you need to do? Take some photos of your place and email them to me. I should have asked you to do this a long time ago.

TheFamDoc24 said...

I gotta go not true on the hair. Maybe the face, but not the hair.
Braids, and pigtails are very school girlish, which unfortunately is the fantasy of many a wierd stalker dude.
The best bet to not attract the crazy men...wear rainbow jewelry and shave your head.

Sarah said...

Well, as much as I respect my lone male poster's opinion-- my experience so far backs me up! Maybe it just makes me invisible to MY brand of wackos. (and should I be flattered or insulted that you think my face alone could accomplish it?) :-)

And Katie-- are you being sarcastic? Cause you have asked me. Repeatedly......

Anonymous said...

I wasn't being sarcastic. I guess I did ask, but it's been awhile.

Anyway, photos please (when you get back).

Anonymous said...

It has been awhile, right?

Laurie said...

You know what-- I can't think of Walmart anymore without our dressing room experience coming to mind. This a good thing because this always, always makes me laugh out loud, and if I weren't doing that, I would be yelling at people in the aisles. I hate Walmart.

Sarah said...

Oh, Laurie. I never tire of that story. And still I wonder-- who were the troublemakers that instigated the "one person only!" rule at the Walmart dressing room.

And yes, Katie-- it's been at least 4 or 5 months since I told you i would do it....... (see headline of most recent post......)

Erin said...

Could it be that simple???? Braids? I'm not so sure. I can just see you now, getting ready to go to Walmart: grocery list? check, wallet? check, car keys & cell phone? check, braids? check! I have to say it's a little creepy Bobby knows so very much about said "weird stalker dude's" fantasies...

Sarah said...

So true, Erin. So, so true.